守 是由靜到動的過程
是高度的智慧 能洞悉未來
是個人的深度修煉 能知進退
在驚濤駭浪中 守住這一刻
在情緒高漲時 守住惡言惡語
守 是累積靜態能量 在關鍵時刻
扭轉乾坤 展開行動
Maintaining in a change from calmness to turmoil
One can foresee the future through an eye of wits
One knows how to act properly according to his depth
Even at the rough sea, one can maintain peace
For the next moment, the weather will let up
We need to refrain when provoked or challenged
For the next scene will not be the same
Maintaining prepares you for the critical moves
That is when your efforts pay off